Saturday, January 27, 2018

Hello my Shooting Stars! Today ill post a little NaLu story I made up.

The Dragon and his Princess
Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess named Lucy Heartfilia. She was the most beautiful girl in the kingdom. But there is a secret in her bedroom mirror that was always closed her father told her never to open when she was little bat stuff happens if you open it. Than one day Lucy got   curious one day, she thought what would happen if she looked? so she open the curtain there was nothing but a mirror with her reflection. She was confused and wandered why her father said to not open there is nothing bad its just a mirror so she left it open and went to bed. Than an fire dragon came out of the mirror he was a dragon prince named Natsu Dragneel. he was trapped in there for so long but he didnt know it was just a curtain covering the mirror the whole time till he looked. He realized the room was different that the last time he saw it. Than he saw Lucy sleeping than he felled in love with her. Lucy than woke up and saw Natsu she was about to scream but Natsu said shh i wont hurt you thank you for saving me from the mirror I been in there for so long.. Lucy eyes widen and she thought its a dragon that what her father been hiding behind the curtain than Lucy smiled your welcome kind dragon now tell me your name. Natsu smiled and said its Natsu than Lucy was in love with The fire dragon called Natsu. A couple weeks later her Dad founded out that Natsu escaped and Lucy let him out. Her father went into Lucy's room and yelled at her saying WHERE IS HE! Lucy is like w-where is who? her father said DONT ACT STUPID I KNOW NATSU ESCAPED YOU OPEN THE CURTAIN! Lucy said dont hurt him I love him! Than her father got even madder
than he and his knights went off to catch Natsu and bring him back and put him back in the mirror but this time cast a powerful spell so he wont escape this time no matter if the curtains are open. In five days the got him put him back in the mirror and cast a powerful spell they closed the curtains this time its harder to open. Lucy was sad and heartbroken than one night she cut the curtains open and sit by the mirror crying. Natsu come up to the other side to the mirror and said Lucy i'm here please dont cry than Lucy stopped and look at Natsu and puts her hand on the mirror and he did the same thing. Lucy said ill get you out i promise! Natsu smiled i believe you and Lucy will you be my wife after all this? Lucy was shocked than tears of happiness and said yes I will. Couple years later Natsu is out and Lucy and Natsu got married and had a child named Nashi

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger Post 
Hello, fellow puppy lovers. This is Carley from my blog Puppies.  Today, I'm taking over Johanna's Fairy Tales blog. I would like to tell you about my favorite fantasy show. My favorite show is call Shadowhunters. It is about a girl named, Clary Fairchild, who found out that she was born with power. Her mother knew but didn't plan to tell her until she was 18 and warlock took the girl memory of the powers. One night, the girl went to the party with her friends and bumped into a Shadowhunter and realized she could see him, but her friends couldn't see him. This is how she know she was special. She was scared at first, but later some Shadowhunter help her discover her powers and they helped save her life. 
 Together they try to help her defeat her dad. What I like about the show is the mix of the character like vampires, werewolf, warlocks. It keeps the show more interesting. Plus, there are magical elements and people who have special power in the story.  

If you like stories that involve magic like fairytale, you might enjoy watching Shadowhunter. You might also like the dynamic between the strong female character and other heroic people in the story.  Link to my blog is at the buttom


Hello my Shooting Stars! Today ill post a little NaLu story I made up. The Dragon and his Princess Once upon a time there was a beautifu...