Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger Post 
Hello, fellow puppy lovers. This is Carley from my blog Puppies.  Today, I'm taking over Johanna's Fairy Tales blog. I would like to tell you about my favorite fantasy show. My favorite show is call Shadowhunters. It is about a girl named, Clary Fairchild, who found out that she was born with power. Her mother knew but didn't plan to tell her until she was 18 and warlock took the girl memory of the powers. One night, the girl went to the party with her friends and bumped into a Shadowhunter and realized she could see him, but her friends couldn't see him. This is how she know she was special. She was scared at first, but later some Shadowhunter help her discover her powers and they helped save her life. 
 Together they try to help her defeat her dad. What I like about the show is the mix of the character like vampires, werewolf, warlocks. It keeps the show more interesting. Plus, there are magical elements and people who have special power in the story.  

If you like stories that involve magic like fairytale, you might enjoy watching Shadowhunter. You might also like the dynamic between the strong female character and other heroic people in the story.  Link to my blog is at the buttom


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